Mar 14, 2006 17:27
Why do I always feel the need to trail off my titles? And can anyone tell me what the specific word is for three dots grouped together like that (...), because I forgot it.
I've come to realise, despite persistant denial in the face of overwhelming evidence, that I don't understand money. It's my Achille's wallet. Now I'm not (especially) stupid or anything, and if I have money in my hand I understand what it's worth, I understand how to exchange it for goods and services and I understand that it's a finite resource that is quickly exhausted. But that's roughly where my understanding of it ends, which is a real hindrance in this day and age where you can transfer huge amounts of wealth without ever actually seeing any money. I really get myself muddled up with electronic transfers, and direct debits, and credit cards and all that other nonsence. Which is strange considering I used to be in top set maths when I took my GCSEs, so you think I'd be good with figures. But sadly, I seem to have developed an unusually narrow and specific form of autism that seems to be triggered by the £ symbol. So when last week I went to the bank to do what I thought was a prudent piece of finance management that would help ease the pressure from my credit cards debts, I instead managed to more than double the amount of money I owed and my soul will now be the property of Lloyds TSB plc for the next 5 years.