Sep 07, 2005 20:58
Overall this is the BEST 1st day of school in High School and sadly the LAST 1st day of school for us Seniors!.......I got to see sooo many of my wonderful peers! GAVE THEM HUGE ASS HUGS and KISSES! lol, overall weather today was freakin HOT! MY classes Digital Imaging CROWDED like no other! 49 people and there was 35 computers wtf??? and she made us WRITE soo much! ugh whatever, I'll be seeing her tomorrow! Marine Biology ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The teacher is FUCKEN awesome and I can't wait to go to the BEACH with the class for a field trip lmao! and Disecting sea creatures! YAY! Well sounds like a fun year in Marine Bio! Government what a VERY entertaining class~ not to mention ENTERTIANING teacher! I LOVE MERMELSTEIN! I'm glad I got her instead of Silverman! I like the way Mermelstein teach, World History was Fun with her! and HOPEFULLY this one will be fun also, love her lectures cuz its very detailed and interesting unlike Ms. Silverman who rushes in EVERYTHING! Tennis BORING AS HELL go figures we're in the gym now lol. Musical Theatre Workshop going to be fun also gonna be a DIFFERENT environment I know that for sure......Honors English with Schenker so far EASY lol I have one example down but cant seem to find the other one for our HW assignment...the only thing I'm worried about in ORAL reports and lecturing in front of the class about what we read ugh! Musical Fun as always didn't do anything but introduction today so yea........thats about it lol