Hi Everyone,
I hope it's ok that I post this here...
I'm soulfire and I run
wires_australia As most of you know, W.I.R.E.S is the non-profit organisation that rescues, cares for and releases rehabbed wildlife in NSW.
Now that spring has gone, we're swamped with juvenile possums that need safe places to be released. They make great friends for your community, and didn't we all grow up looking out windows to catch that quick glimpse of the possum?
Well, if you think you have an area that isn't already inhabited by possums, we need your help!!
For information on how to let W.I.R.E.S know you can help, please go to
http://www.wires.org.au/aboutus_news.htm Thanks for taking the time to read my post. Our wildlife needs you, get involved ! :D