(no subject)

Jun 10, 2006 04:14

As our society is pushed more and more into conservatism through politics and the seeming return to christian values, we find that many new age agendas are being swept back under the carpet, and many of the rights we have obtained are being withdrawn or diminished. Workers rights and gay rights are two prominant ones that seem to be appearing in the media substantially.

So how many times do we have to hear stories about members of the Arch-Diocese engaging in sexual misconduct with Minors before the catholic church seriously addresses this issue? Its fine and well for a particular organisation to think they can tell others how to live, but if they feel the need to do that, then maybe they should ensure that their own members are not committing offences that are percievably much worse than the acts of satism that they exert on society.

In recent news, another 100 catholic priests have been accused of child sex offences, all of these occuring In Dublin alone. That's nearly 4% of the entire priest hood in Dublin. What makes this offence even more alarming, is that the church has been trying to hide these offences from the authorities for over a decade. So now not only are they commiting offences against the law, they are also harboring criminals to save face. In my eyes this is accessory to the fact, and is punishable by law.

If members of God's sacred church could possibly carry out such vile actions on innocent humans, and attemtp to hide from the law, how can they possibly get up on their soap boxes and dictate right and wrong to billions of us in society. In Dublin alone, over 350 victims have been identified and possibly hundreds more that at the moment have not been able to be sought out.

Generally if there was a corporation or company exposing this many people to harm, they would be forced to close their doors and stop trading. What would be the response if this was happening at a scout club? There would be uproar from society and the families involved.

I know the families in these cases are fighting hard to have justice served, but where is the outcry from the rest of society? Do we all intend on turning another blind eye to the clearly monumental devastation this organisation is inflicting on It's people, or do we make them accountable?

The cost to the archdiocese has accumlated to over $9.4million dollars in compensation to its victims and their families. It doesnt take much to realise that this money could have been better spent contributing to the needy.

I'd like to see the archdiocese to take the fall for this, and do something drastic to eradicate these vicious predators out of their organisation. I'd like to see them silence their voice on the many controversial subjects they are sticking their noses into.

In the mean time you will think about where your money is going when you throw your hard earned cash into the coffers of the catholic church as they pass around the basket.
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