Mar 05, 2005 15:12
Ok, where the hell do i even start? I quit V.V. b/c my boss was a dick and I won't tolerate petty bullshit from him anymore, so my last day to work was last Sunday. I went to stay at my sister's house tues. through thurs. and i came home on fri. I Hate Petty Immature Bullshit and I re-fucking-fuse to listen to it. Look Kit...I know ur pissed, u have every right to be, but just move-on. I told u this is why it needed to end b/c someone was gonna get hurt. And now ur hurt, I didn't do it on purpose, I can promise u that much, even though i know my word probably doesn't mean alot to u right now. I hope we can still be friends but if not its cool. And please if u have something to say to me, please just say it 2 me... Um...last night i had a blast...went w/ savy to a surprise b-day bash for jamie (my cousin abe's girlfriend). 1st we went to Weekends...then on to the Southern Junction!!!! Dancing and drinking...loads of fun! Savy Split her pants and that was great..but Amelia fixed them by stapling them back together. At about 2:00 am I took Savy home and then i went to abe and jamie's apt. we played quaters and i got really tipsy and went to sleep. That is the jist of my week so the countdown has begun 10 days till i leave for basic!!!!! Kinda nervous but really excited!!!! Tonight i believe i am going to a strip club with Alex, Michael, and Abe. That should be loads of fun.