This is the thing you
need to see--Mitt Romney completely missing the point when answering a Viet Nam vet's questions about same-sex marriage.
And yeah, he's right to be pissed. What Mitt--and what every other knuckle-dragging conservative who believes this--thinks is vile. He didn't have a disagreement with him. A disagreement is when you'd rather go to IHOP but you got dragged to Taco Bell instead. A disagreement is when you don't get that toy your kid really wanted at the store, and had to settle for something else.
This? This is Romney saying, directly, "You don't deserve the same rights as I do. You are less than I am. Because you choose to love someone who isn't your gender opposite, you need to be a second-class citizen."
That's not Democratic. That's not American. That's just wrong.
Go, Mr. Garon. Fight on, fight on.