my mind is slowly shutting down

Oct 14, 2006 16:19

I don't know how you legal folk out there do it. Seriously.
I've spent the last couple of days reading up on the legal aspects of my work in psychiatry and I can feel my mind switching off after a paragraph. I think I was irreversibly lost in the bit about competence, diminished responsibility and mens rea - what is that in English anyway???
Have just about managed to get my head round the 1983 Mental Health Act - the main relevant sections to me anyway and I am very surprised by the difference between this and the Scottish Act which was what I learned in medical school. In Scotland the initial section would be a 24 or 25, depending on whether the person is in the community or in hospital at the time of detention and legally all that is required is the signature of any fully registered doctor. You are supposed to get consent from next of kin and/or Mental Health Officer but this can be bypassed if it is not practical. There is no right to treat with this section, it lasts for 72 hours and has no right to appeal. In England the most common sections are 2 and 3, the initial section 2 lasts for 28 days with right to appeal but needs 2 doctors (one approved) and an Approved Social Worker to implement it.
It's interesting looking at how different things are on either side of the border.

Went out to Starbucks today and because they messed up my sandwich order I ended up getting a free lunch and a free hot chocolate with cream. That was worthwhile if I can just live down the calories! Made up for all the money I saved in Starbucks by buying a book at Borders. Oh well, never mind.

Saw the new carpet at church last night. It looks fab. We've had the old one for so long it was older than me, the new one is dark blue and very luxurious feeling. Bouncy!!! We've had the whole of the inside of church repainted as well and the woodwork done so it looks very nice all done. We are also going to be getting new chairs so watch this space!

It's fire conference next weekend!

I've got an interview next week for a job in Huddersfield.
I need to get a job, part time or full time I don't really mind.
Please pray I get it if it is God's will, if not then pray that I will be guided to the right job.
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