So, what's going on with me? Nothin but the same old thing. Same town, same school, same boyfriend, same drama... well new drama actually, but nothing to talk about on this thing. Turned in all my crap for graduation, can't wait to be done! Only 8 more weeks... YES! I still need an internship, and I'm having a hard time trying to get my prof to get this going... maybe I'll have to go to someone else. J is moving down to Lynnwood this weekend, where I will be joining her at the end of March - Hopefully. I just need an internship dammit... if anyone knows of anything down in that area, let me know! You know what sucks? Not having any money... I hate it. I finally get my bindings and I can't even afford to buy a ticket up there. My mom tried to bribe me into coming back to bellingham with an internship at the Mt. Baker rec center - free season's pass. That would be awesome IF I wanted to come back, but I don't. Classes are easy, a little too easy for comfort... but at least it's for my last quarter. Anyway, I have nothing interesting to say... so later.