Jun 08, 2009 12:33
Ok so by my calendar I'm 35 weeks this week. My next appt is the 10th and hopefully we can get on the same page with a due date everyone is happy and comfortable with. This I might be anywhere between 34 weeks this week and 36 weeks bothers me. I'll stick with saying I'm 35 weeks, but if they want to say I'm 36 I'll go with that. Especially after they said they think he is huge. I know he is bigger than Nathan. Which yes that does scare me.
Had a really nice baby shower saturday. Kept it small and I honestly think that's how parties like that should be. I hope everyone that attended had a good time. There was much chatter and eating and prizes.
I got a lot of amazing gifts. Hardly have anything left on my list of "must haves". Was fun getting to explain some of the products to others. Some of the ones I used with Nathan and knew were to be on the "must haves" list this go. and then of course explaining why I didn't want some items. And what some of the cloth diapering items were.
Watching the expression on Sams face when we tried to explain labor pains to her. I think me and Valerie did a rather nice job explaining it. But pretty sure she is terrified of it now. Not that we were trying to scare her. Just being as honest as possible. I'm not the type to lie about it.
I think filling the house with baby items from the shower has gotten Justin more ready for this. He finally got our carseat out of the attic. And he is dying to put the swing together. We have half our hospital bag packed (half meaning we haven't gotten it all gathered up yet. I think we'll finish that tomorrow tho).
I'm ready for this baby to come even if no one else is. Nathan is ready too. He tells his little brother daily that he needs to come out and join us.