WW week 50 results

Dec 18, 2007 08:53

 This post is a bit late in arriving, but I'm doing it to fend off the bad results that will come tonight or in the next two days for this week's weigh in.

WW week 50 (December 11, 2007)

     -1.8 pounds
             total loss... - 71.0 pounds

A good week.

Be prepared for at least a six pound increase this week...I wish I were kidding. But with all the goodies EVERYWHERE (sweets are my biggest weakness) I just didn't have a prayer.  My family celebrated Christmas on Friday, so the worst is behind me...I HOPE!

But as a dear friend shared with me in another reply - Progress, not perfection.  Still, if I add 6 or even 8 pounds this week, I'm still well over 60 pounds lighter for the year.  I shared that mantra with my Weight Watcher group and they LOVED it.

some fun pics...

If I were just a bit cuter, and MUCH younger, without the glasses, you may mistake picture two for
clickboo   (I wish!)


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