Some of you may have noticed a
disturbing trend in some of Hikyou's recent threads with Papillon. "Oh shit!" You may be thinking. "I thought we voted in Hikyou Banchou, not some uke from a yaoi manga!"
REST ASSURED, what is going on is not genuine affection! Long story short, Hikyou and Pappi recently killed each other, and Hikyou is pretty certain that the only way to convince Pappi to keep talking to him is to "date" him. It's an experiment! It's an interrogation. It's the world's longest game of gay chicken. I'm not certain where the relationship is going, but I do know that Hikyou is being devious, secretive, and generally a callous asshole as usual--but this time, the best possible disguise is "Akira, the Nice, Boring, From-a-Shojo-Manga Guy."
Feel free to ask questions or crit me (I have crit posts in Necoco and ZEX's journals)! Also, fair warning: Hikyou and Pappi are probably going to make out a lot. If that disgusts you, uh... yeah. I would recommend caution if you read our threads :x