(no subject)

Aug 02, 2006 12:12

nevin zehr: I had one of those moments
nevin zehr: Robert Anton Wilson talks about them, but I forget their names
popcultureicon(at work): cognitave dissonance?
nevin zehr: but it's where someone who who subconciously wants to sabotage something but conciously doesn't
popcultureicon(at work): oh
popcultureicon(at work): yeah
nevin zehr: unconciously does something to sabotage it
popcultureicon(at work): i do that every day.
nevin zehr: I had this whole cafeteria full of kids
nevin zehr: and I was trying to get them to be quiet
popcultureicon(at work): it becomes easy to blame all of lifes shortcomings on it
nevin zehr: so I did the
nevin zehr: "clap once if you can hear me"
nevin zehr: "clap twice"
nevin zehr: etc.
nevin zehr: and then I said
nevin zehr: "I'm going to teach you a new word"
nevin zehr: "That word is discord. Does anyone know what Discord is?"
nevin zehr: "NO!"
nevin zehr: "Discord is running around and acting crazy"
nevin zehr: And they all started cheering
nevin zehr: and I said "I want you to to NOT have discord"
nevin zehr: and they started going
nevin zehr: and then I realized what I had done
nevin zehr: it was so perfect
nevin zehr: and it was completely unintentional
nevin zehr: like I didn't even connect it to, like, Discordia, in my mind
popcultureicon(at work): awesome.

(LJ-ify your IMs before pasting!)
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