we are pointless

Apr 05, 2006 19:56

we the people wonder this earth amlissly and in this wondering we distioy. we distroiy the world at which we reside in. we distroiy all we care about for we can never let go and just live. our intellegince is our curse but unlike a curse there is no excape but death. we fear death but it is the only true freedom, the only true happiness, and most sertenly the only peace. death gives all we want. the things we want all our lives are these things. all is pointless in this world. what is the point of living only to die? there is no answer to questions such as the previous. can we ever have all our disires with out being dead or distoiying every thing in existince? we are a plaeg on this world. we distoiy all and never look back. we are pointless. life has no point. thus becoming pointless. a curse on everything and ourselves. we kill life and enjoy it. it's in human nature to kill. it's in our nature to enjoy the kill and those who don't are week and will parish. the weeker you are the sooner die and thus reseave the perks of death sooner. strong do die soon but the week i speek of die sooner. we sufficate all being and in doing so bring about our own distuction. we are pointless.
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