victory, anemia, and nostalgia

Aug 11, 2004 04:39

Today (technically yesterday) was a pretty cool day, yet kind of taxing as well. I went to the doctor again and I got to see my Russian hottie, he was even cuter than I remembered him being last time! The thing that sucks is that he told me I have anemia, and the scoliosis in my back is moderate to severe and I have to get it treated and possibly wear a back brace. I guess it's better than feeling like crap all the time though.

The rest of my day I spent trying to fix up my crapped out computer, it had been ravaged by spyware and possibly trojans as well. I decided that the best thing to do was reformat and partition the hard drive, reinstall Windows and start from scratch. It's pretty cool because it's almost like having a brand new computer again, it runs smoothly and it doesn't have a ton of extra unneccessary crap to slow it down. Now I have the speed and space to download movies and stuff so one of the first things I did was download and watch Super Size Me. It was as good as I thought it was going to be, and very funny. Another cool thing is that while I was going through my archived files looking for stuff that I want to back up on disk, I came across a ton of very, very old pictures from my crazy early days as a club rat. I decided to share them here because some of them are really hilarious and I know a few people that will get a kick out of seeing them. Check it out.

I was going to put up a couple more funny ones but oh god sweet jesus my eyes fucking hurt from straining them. I have to sleep now.
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