Geoff used Counter

Jan 05, 2007 21:04

RULES: Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird habits/things/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. No tagbacks.

This is largely  just proving res wrong. As I like to do that. :D

1. I used to visit the US almost every year when I was little. Myrtle Beach, amazing place. I loved it quite a bit, finding shark teeth, swimming in pools and in the ocean. But, what I looked forward to most, much to the dismay of my grandfather was American TV. At first it was Nick, I watched everything Nick. Well into age 12 I watched Nick Jr, Nick at Night, just anything that was on. Some of the shows were not on Canadian TV yet, or ever, so it was just an awesome thing to do. Eventually Animal Planet came to be, and I spent much time in the hotel room just staring awe struck at the programes. It was just so awesome to be a part of the American children culture for those few weeks, it always felt so different, and amazing, I always wanted the ideals shown on TV there, and the ones seen on the streets. Although to be fair it was a tourist city, but an awesome one. KB Toys and US Toysruses were always my favourite places to go.

2. I had six fingers on my left hand when I was born. It's just a bump now, like the one on my right hand; which was a finger that never developed, but was supposed to. That's right, I'm a mutant mutant. There's a high concentration of nerves on my left bump, and although the feeling gets less every year, if it's poked or pulled I can still feel pain in it. Thinking about it now, the extra finger may have had a hand in my lefthandedness.

3. I have many different voices. I probably have a neutral or "real" voice, but I have used multiple voices ever since I was in KG. It was because in preschool I was always so quiet, and they kept pressuring me to speak up, so I ended up throwing my voice. So until puberty I was actually most of the time using a false voice which was louder than my normal one. After puberty, the voices have kinda fused, and I don't really have a use for it anymore, but I still use various voices for different purposes. I have this eerily Kaiba-like voice I use for certain things which I have grown fond of lately. That being said, I really don't talk much in real life. My neutral voice is soft, has a lisp, and I stutter, so unless I am in an acting or dramatic situation, I really don't say much so as not to embarass myself. Although if I get into a rambly talky mood I can usually do okay with talking.

4. I have a mysterious scar over my life eye. I don't know how I got it. I think I remember my mom saying something about just bumping my head, but, it's pretty, scar-like for a bump.

5. I can catch flies, frogs, and other hard to catch animals with fair ease. It's not like doing nothing, but if I concentrate, I can do it. With a net, I can pretty much catch anything under 6 inches.

6. I learned how to ride a bike after grade 11, and I learned how to tie my shoes around age 12.

7. My mom put me into hockey when I was little... without me knowing how to skate. I fell down and cried, and I didn't go back to skating for years. I eventually learned how, but I havn't done it in probably almost a decade. I played t-ball/baseball until I was around 8. I was always shortstop, I thought it was a bad position. I was on the badminton team in grade 11 as a sub, but I ended up playing in most games. Me and my partner once won a match by awesome means. We pretended not to know how to play for the first game. The other team "taught" us the rules and boundaries and such, we lost by quite a bit, they were confident. The second game, we pretended to "Get the hang of it" and beat them. XDDD Third game we lost by one point, but their expressions of confusion were priceless. We gave them a tough time. XD

8. I really like simple foods, very few "mixed" things. Partially because I am fearful of trying new foods, and also because I just have a general distaste, but I'm getting better on both fronts. I have never eaten Pizza, Tacos, Pie, uhm... probably more. I havn't had a sandwhich since I was 6. I love cookies, but the chocolate chip supremecy meant I was stuck not having many options growing up. My mom used to use a strainer to get out the chocolate chips. I really liked sugar, shortbread, etc. Later on I developed a fondness for oatmeal. I also really like gingerbread, but it's more rare to find.

9. I have amazing luck, and senses with animals. I have seen many deer at even just a few feet away. I have seen hawks at similar distances. Muskrat, foxes, rabbits, all kinda of stuff. Just today I saw a racoon and a rabbit on campus. In the US I saw dolphins fairly close (They were wild unfriendly though XD so, they just past) And I have seen bald eagles at a distance, same with most native birds of prey. Snakes, lizards, frogs, all sorta of things. It's just easy for me to find them for some reason. I can look past most camoflages, and see birds, and identify them at a distance. Dogs and cats (Like children for some reason... XD) seem really attracted to me, and trust me for some reason. Within reason of course, a pitbul's not gonna run up and hug me. Although I have had things like stingrays and seals come up to me for attention. That being said, I have a few animal aversions. Although I have touched them at zoos, I am afraid of sharks. I respect them, but, something that can eat me is a little frightening. I feel safe with Crocodilians on land, but they tend to hide in the water, which is pretty scary. I'm of course petrified of hornets... uhm.... yeah. I think that's about it, I have loved animals for a long time though, so there's probably more to say.

10. I payed 80 dollars for a copy of Earthbound.

Not tagging, but please, do it if you want to. I hereby tag everyone who reads this and wasn't tagged by res in spirit. As I said, I pretty much only did this to prove resurie wrong. Anyways, tried to stick to non-anime/gaming/geek things for this, but I couldn't stand it by the end.

random facts, meme

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