D E S C R I P T I O NName:Winter (Art © Sara Forlenza)
Description:Flexible Squares layout in wintery colours centering around an artwork by
Sara Forlenza.
Instead of a header, I opted to put the artwork in the sidebar. As a result the sidebar is fixed and should only contain the bare essentials.
Special thanks goes to Yolanda from
potof_gold for providing me the inspiration.
Also a big thank you to
irinafan as she was the first with the sidebar idea!
G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O NWorks with ads?:YesStyle:Flexible Squares.Tested in:IE, Mozilla Firefox and Opera.Best Resolution:1024*768 and above (I think the higher your resolution, the better it looks)Works with Navigation Strip?:Yes BUT the sidebar will overlap it and your entry text gets a bit squished on the sides.Credit:Please put a link to
Sara Forlenza AND
gawariel_design in your profile or sidebar.
Bigger} ~ {
Live Preview}
I N S T A L L A T I O NGo to Manage:
CustomizeSelect a New Theme:
- Type Flexible Squares in the search box.
- Click 'Search'.
- Apply any theme that you get in the search results, it doesn't really matter which one!
Choose a Page Setup:
Note:The following section(s) can be found in the left, blue sidebar of the page.
Only the sections I mention are the ones you MUST adjust. You can play with the rest as you please.Sidebar:The sidebar is fixed, so it's height depends on the height of your screen. If you have too many stuff in your sidebar, part of it will be hidden, because you can't scroll down. So I advise you to limit the sideboxes to a minimum. I'll leave it up to you to decide which you find important.
IMHO the page summary is something highly unnecessairy, and also tags for a private user are somewhat silly. But, I'll leave it up to you, LOLCustom CSS:
- Use layout's stylesheet(s): No
- Use layout's stylesheet(s) when including custom external stylesheet: No
- Use external stylesheets: No
- Custom external stylesheet URL: Leave empty
- Custom stylesheet: Paste the stylesheet (given bellow) in this box.
Hit "save changes".
I M A G E S & C O D E
The images are hosted on my account, but it is recommended that you upload them yourself. Don't forget to change the URL's in the code!
http://community.livejournal.com/gawariel_design/) */
http://gawariel.livejournal.com/) */
/*---------- MISC ----------*/
blockquote {
background: #6D7DA2 url(
http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b153/gawariel_design/59_Winter%20-%20Sara%20Forlenza/Blockquote.jpg) repeat-y left center;
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http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b153/gawariel_design/59_Winter%20-%20Sara%20Forlenza/LJComm.png);padding: 18px 18px 0 0!important;
/*---------- MAIN ----------*/
body {
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http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b153/gawariel_design/59_Winter%20-%20Sara%20Forlenza/BG.jpg) repeat-y top left;
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http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b153/gawariel_design/59_Winter%20-%20Sara%20Forlenza/Sidebar2.jpg);background-position:center right;
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top: 0px;
left: 10px;
/*---------- HEADER ----------*/
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/*---------- SIDEBAR ----------*/
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/*____________________ OTHER PAGES ____________________*/
/*---------- CALENDAR PAGE ----------*/
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/*--- LINKS AT THE TOP ---*/
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/*---------- MISC2 ----------*/
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E X T R AIcons:
FO Banner:
T R O U B L E S H O O T I N GBefore asking any questions, make sure you read all information above thouroughly and that your question isn't adressed in the
FAQ.If your problem still isn't solved, you are welcome to ask your question