That riverside is good stuff.

Jan 27, 2009 09:41

I saw the mystery ducks again. They were a pair in the same spot they have been in the past. The geese are in their location and the mallards (and some black ducks as well) are near PNC Park. I will figure out what they are. My dad said they are probably buffleheads and he is probably right, I just can't identify the big white spot on their head.

This morning on my ride in a red-tailed hawk flew out of the tree just above me and into the next one. I decided to watch it awhile and found it was going after a red squirrel in the tree. I think it was a young one, or one who was extremely lackadaisical, because he did a pretty poor job of capturing his prey. He flew to the squirrel who would scamper down a few branches and continue to go about his business. Then the hawk would take off as if he were leaving then circle back and land on a branch not close enough to the squirrel. Getting a chance to see the hawk so close this morning was just as good as a trip to our wonderful Aviary. Kim is fond of telling me how much I love snow and winter (which I do!), but I told her last week that I think I like birds more.

I ran 3 with John Goupell last night. Very good run along the river from Allegheny Ave. to the Rachel Carson Bridge and up through the park. It was nice to run with him.


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