Evermore and real life...

Jul 26, 2005 09:59

4 friends and I saw Evermore on Friday night. First of all, it might have been nice if they'd told us there were 3 hours of support bands, and then 1.25 hours of Evermore. Because there were 2 other places I could have been for those 3 hours, one of which included free alcohol! Oh well. The support bands weren't good, they were The Red Sun Band, Vasco Era, and some other one. TRSB has played at my uni before, and they're good to wail along to, because you can't be heard above them anyway. lol. Finally Evermore showed up, and they were really good. Yay for harry potter (the drummer!) although one of my friends was pretty much drooling over the keyboard player, whom we were standing about 1.5m away from. So it was pretty awesome.

There were a few stupid moments, for example me running into a lot of girls I went to high school with (meh), a guy whom one of my friends had no interest in showing up only because he knew she would be there (stalker style), and a drunk guy who kept walking up to people, farting, then walking away grinning (moron).

Post concert, we went to a friends house, ate a bunch of chocolate based food products, started to watch a movie, and then fell asleep. Next morning involved pancakes, nutella and having brunch with her entire family which was sorta fun. Got a lift home, had a shower, family came home, seemed to want to pick a fight, so I went out (was planning to anyway). Met with The Guy (who totally needs a better codename), had thai for dinner, then met up with some friends at a club. Went to another club, decided $25 cover was too much for someone as tired and broke as I was, and left.

Next day (sunday) involved packing The Guy's stuff up into boxes and watching Arrested Development. Yesterday (monday) involved waiting for the movers (five hours late), eating lots of food (bored) and finally moving all of his, and his new room mates stuff (who is also a friend of mine) into the new place, which was completed exactly 3 minutes before he had to leave because he was going snowboarding. Also, I found $50 on the walk over, so yay for me!

Today I'm just hanging around the house, may or may not go to the gym. It's the first time I've been home for more than an hour for about 4 days. Only one week of holidays left. :(
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