Weekend was sorta boring, was busy studying and sleeping.
‘Twas the EGG L4NZ4C, so I spent most of the day playing games on either the X-box or on a friends computer (kicked ass in Burnout 3 and did ok in UT2K4), cause I couldn't get my computer into the city. There are two very bad pictures of me:
http://gallery.greatestjournal.com/albums/up4/880/110880/normal_chiX0rs.bmphttp://gallery.greatestjournal.com/albums/up4/880/110880/normal_me.bmpYes, that is a sock. It's around the headphones.
So, jury duty was not particularly trauma inducing. Went to the place, took all the electronics out of my bag to get through security, missed a small light, security guard got annoyed, went to the desk, got pointed to a room, went to a desk, went to another desk, got another form, filled it out. Sat in a room, talked to a girl who we discovered goes to the same uni as me, but a different campus, was lead to a court room, handed in a form, went back to the room, watched a lame video, watched some Kerri Anne Kennely show, where they started talking about how judges have been falling asleep. Was excused, but have been warned that I may be called back in the next 3 months. Got to class 30 minutes late, wished I hadn’t shown up at all (so boring). Had lunch, went to a prac, got a really bad headache from the microscopes, went home.
Spent most of the day studying for the organic mid semester exam. Got 69.5/100 for the CSL exam, which was way above average. Go me!
Dyed my hair, went to uni, did my half hour of Blasting, went to the protest about VSU. I was walking behind a banner that read “VSU = = SUXX0r”, because it was with the EGG group. Ended up a Sydney uni, ran into a friends ex, sat in shade, and chatted to some EGG peeps while the concert was happening. Went to the arcade, back to uni, went to class, and somehow ended up here, about to go an watch Lost.