(no subject)

Apr 13, 2005 22:47

So...I should be writing my organic report, or doing the organic prework, or studying for physical or CSL or organic, or finishing the forensic imaging assignment, or starting the CSl assignment, but I thought it was more important to tell some people who use livejournal what I should be doing.

Today wasn't too bad, nothing died, the lectures were boring as always. Unfortuantely, one of my friends has discovered my Super-Sekret study place (a general access computer room), and so my study was impeded today by him being annoying. So very frustrating, because I can't really tell him to go away. Meh, I'll figure it out.

We had to watch a fairly disturbing video in CSL today, it was so messed up, everyone ended up dead. Apparently this is a frequent occurance in chemistry labs. Yay?

My older bro visited for dinner tonight (hello) and my mum made some really good food. Tiramisu is one of my most favourite desserts, and I've eaten enough tonight to make me want to puke. But I will not, it is too good to waste. Lasagne is also not too shabby, and I know what I'll be eating for lunch tomorrow.

My mum did something useful with her holiday and bought season 3 of futurama on DVD, because the discs were five dollars each. I think she likes the show just as much as I do.

I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow morning, probably nothing too drastic, it just depends on how I feel. Its a bit annoying, because if I get it cut too short, I develop an afro. Freaky.

Anyway, I shall return to my boring report about SN1 and SN2 reactions
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