Here's what happened.
First of all, it seemed to be something about an alternate version of Millennium Season three. In this version, some of the episodes contained a lot of "f" words (which doesn't happen in the real show). Anyway, I reached the finale, and they seemed to have upped the gore content a lot.
Catherine was alive; this was an alternate version where she hadn't been killed off at the end of Season Two. She was still living with Jordan and she let Frank stay the night with her. There was something about a long haired man and a little boy.
In the night, this boy turned out to be a robber and he let his Dad in and they stole lots of Catherine's things, and killed the long haired man.
Frank got up in the morning and the boy and his Dad came round with the stuff they stole and said: "Look what we got!", and all Frank could say was: "My wife has lots of things like those. What a coincidence!"
At this point, he found the long-haired man's body, and he was saying: "I think he's dead, Jordan. Don't look!" Of course, it was too late and Jordan screamed. Catherine blamed Frank and kicked him out of her house.
Then it went into some other weird tangent with a man getting thrown into a car crusher, and Frank looking at his remains and trying to figure out just WHAT it was. There was another man who got crushed to death with a giant magnet, which was apparently attracted by the braces on his teeth (and I was checking a nitpicker's book, which was saying that was impossible).
Then, Frank was walking down the road, in darkness, humming "The End" (by the Doors) when Catherine pulled up in her car and said: "Get in!" It turned out she'd forgiven Frank. Then, it seemed to be a bit rushed; they showed Frank jumping through Watts' window, and Emma Hollis appeared briefly. Then it showed this montage of characters, with Jordan telling Catherine she now had a boyfriend, and throughout this tune was playing, which I don't remember. It ended with a shot of the guy who'd fallen into the car crusher.
In the other dream, I was in some sort of remake of the X Files. My family seemed to be supporting characters. Anyway, it was some alternate version of The List, where Napoleon Manley asked my Dad's help in reincarnating. Instead of becoming a fly, he appeared as a baby and began growing up to his normal age fast, so he was now 11 and asking my Dad how long it would take.
Then there seemed to be a bunch of apes involved and they kidnapped my Sister and took her into a tree to be sacrificed, and this soccer player was involved - he was taken to be part of the sacrifice. But, I showed up with a bunch of bananas and started peeling them and chucking them around to distract the apes, all but one, who attacked me until I chucked him off the tree.
And then, the soccer player tried to explain his absence, but the manager did not believe his story about being sacrificed by apes and dropped him from the team.
I must be going crazy. Oh, and it's snowing where I live today.
Two days until my birthday.