This one started off in a very unusual way, with the daleks acting as "servants", but got more exciting after the Doctor triggered(?) something in them that led to the multi-coloured daleks showing up. I didn't quite understand why they exterminated the normal daleks (was it something to do with them being obsolete?), but I found the scenes with the Jammy Dodger to be hilarious.
I also loved the fact that Amy managed to talk that guy out of exploding, especially after twice in the episode, the Doctor had told her to be quiet and acted like he didn't really think much of her, which annoyed me a little. She proved herself once again when Churchill stole the Doctor's keys. Matt Smith had a few moments where he was a little TOO similar to David Tennant, too.
Overall, I thought it was a good episode - and it was unusual that for once, the Daleks actually lived to see another day (which probably means they will make a surprise appearance at the end of the series); I also loved the fact that the crack in the wall made another appearance, making this into something that will presumably recur a lot in the series (like Bad Wolf, the Master and Rose).
I am looking forward to River Song and the angels reappearing next week; the trailer genuinely made me think of a nightmare I had as a kid about a garden of statues where one of them was able to come to life.