Choose three of your favourite shows and answer these ten questions for each:
My choices:
1) The X-Files
2) 24
3) Lost
Question #1: What are your OTPs for each fandom? Why?
#1: Mulder/Scully, of course
#2: Jack/Audrey
#3: Locke/Helen (even though she was only in a couple of episodes)
Question #2: Who is your single most favorite character?
#1: Scully
#2: Favourite of all time is Michelle, even though she died in Season 5
#3: Locke! Has to be Locke!
Question #3: Pick a theme song for either your favorite character or your OTP, what is it?
I probably blow at this, but anyway:
#3: "Two out of Three Ain't Bad" by Meat Loaf
I really can't think of anything for 1 or 2. I'll think about it and edit later.
Question #4: Favorite Episode?
#1: "Existence" (Season 8)
#2: Too many to choose from; I enjoyed the Season 5 finale a lot, I guess.
#3: I was always a big fan of "Walkabout", plus "Lockdown" is pretty good even though it's heartbreaking to watch
Question #5: Who has been your favorite guest star?
#1: Lily Tomlin and Edward Asner
#2: Dennis Hopper
#3: Katey Sagel (Helen)
Question #6: Favorite or least favorite Villain/Baddie/Mean character?
#1: Cancer Man
#2: Nina Myers
#3: Has to be Ben; he's pretty evil
Question #7: If you could cross any of these shows with any of your other fandoms, which ones and why?
#1: The X-Files/Doctor Who
#2: 24/The Unit
#3: Lost/House - how about a flashback where Dr. Jack meets Dr. House?
Question #8: If you could write any fic slash, het, gen, anything, what is that ONE story you would write?
#1: I've constantly toyed with a story where Scully enters a parallel universe where Samantha Mulder is searching for Fox Mulder after HE got abducted!
#2: Nina Myers' sister seeks revenge!
#3: Not sure about this one; maybe Locke and Helen reconciling
Question #9: What is your biggest meta-drama-wank issue?
#1: Where was Charles Scully anyway?
#2: The constant killing off of characters (even villains) I liked - plus the way Kim was when she appeared in Season 5
#3: Locke and Helen splitting up
Question #10: If you could have your show extended for another five seasons, what would be some things you want to see?
#1: Keep Doggett and Reyes, but bring back Mulder and Scully as regulars
#2: Keep Jack in the story, keep Chloe and have Audrey go after Jack again because she wants to be with him
#3: Locke and Helen are revealed to have got back together (yes, I know I obsess with this) - plus bring out a few more mysterious hatches!