24 and Lost back-to-back on Sunday nights is very fun indeed.
George Sibley - I mean Jack's father is starting to make me think of Cancer Man, with his sudden killing of Jack's brother. That was one very shocking end to the episode! I'm getting excited about this season.
We do need to see more of Locke, Claire, Charlie et al, but episode 7 was pretty good. I particularly liked the bit with that guy in that Clockwork Orange-type room looking at all that weird stuff; I hope we find out more of what it is about. I really liked that last conversation between Jack and Kate, and also Juliet's backstory; best new character IMO. I was pleased when Kate and Sawyer escaped.
I'm starting to enjoy the whole "Is Christian gay?" story arc - and the whole teaser to this episode was one of the funniest moments ever (especially when Christian sat up in bed and found he was sleepin with Sean). I notice Escobar is making his second return appearance of the seasons (after the sequence with the "hash brownies").