A lot of people don't really understand how God can be one god, but three separate entities (The Father, Son and Holy Spirit, or The Trinity) so it seems reasonable that some people have misunderstood and thought Christianity involves three separate gods.
This is the basis for this ebook, part of R.C. Sproul's Crucial Questions series; he sums up the answer neatly with:
We should not hesitate to use (Trinity) and other such words to set the standard of truth as accurately as possible.
This is a scholarly book, and it felt quite dense at times, almost philosophical, but it raised some points I had never thought of before, such as that the term "The Trinity" is never used in the New Testament.
This book might be a bit too deep for people just looking into the Christian faith, but for any Christians who want to understand how to explain the concept of The Trinity, I would recommend this.