Lockdown, Day #195

Oct 04, 2020 18:47

I spent much of today doing a long hike with the ramblers; we had a few dropouts, mostly personal reasons, so best not asking.

It had been raining quite a lot - not heavily, but enough to leave certain areas flooded; we managed to avoid the worst floods, but we managed to find a stream gushing across the footpath at one point, and even had to wade through one of the floods, which was luckily only up to our shoes.

I've tried Google searches, but it does feel that the "Poe" being hunted could only be Edgar Allen Poe; very random indeed.

The moment when several flocks of geese suddenly flew overhead.

Wading through the flood.

I also walked back to Mum's house afterwards, so ended up taking a longer route to avoid possibly trekking along the road, which had been somewhat flooded earlier.

I think I trespassed onto private land at one point; the public way took me through a gap in the hedge, and a person appeared there, and I moved to one side, expecting said person to come through, but they just stood there; I was thinking, "Are you coming or not?"

It didn't look easy for social distancing, so I walked down a private drive just to the main road; no one said anything to me.

After an extra hour's walking, I arrived at Mum's house, slightly bedraggled.

rambling, pictures, nature, outdoors, house call, social distancing, authors, weather, another person, stag walkers, rat year, animals, weekends, my photos

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