I slightly overreacted today when, after brewing up some tea, I went to pick up the mug and knocked it over; I'm going to try and avoid the neighbours for a little while, just in case they heard my cries of anguish.
Storm in a teacup, as you might say.
After another catch-up with some work colleagues, I did have a walk, though I got caught in a shower of rain.
I was lucky enough to see this squirrel posing for me - it's a sort of "spot the squirrel" post; I needed to have my real camera, which has a better zoom.
This was a bit of a rushed job; how typical that the moment I started to try and line up the picture that a cyclist should show up on the path behind me; I needed to get the shot, feaful the man would scare the squirrel off.
Not surprisingly, when I did get closer, the squirrel scampered away.
I've put some more shots behind the cut.
Also, I finished series 2 of Afterlife this week; the final episode was the best yet - for the first two episodes it didn't feel as dark as the first series, and then the final scene came, and
I really thought he was going to commit suicide - I have a theory that the dog will turn out to be a reincarnation of his dead wife, considering that he/she started barking when Tony was about to overdose. I was so glad when the doorbell went and he changed his mind.
Ricky Gervais wants to do a third series, unusually for him.