I'm really hoping they've not really killed off Clara - like maybe that was the Zygon Clara, and maybe that's why she seemed possibly willing to die. (At one point, just for a second, she seemed like the Zygon version of Clara). Or maybe Moffat had something up his sleeve - and that somehow she'll appear in the finale.
It's mostly because they haven't really resolved the whole Orson Pink storyline from "Listen", which I refuse to believe he'd just put in as some sort of one-off. He was a descendant of Danny Pink and should possibly be some indication that Clara would get pregnant. So, maybe the best I can hope for was that the raven did something else to the characters it attacked instead of killing them (I'm not sure - some sort of way of capturing them, or taking away their consciousness like "The Bells of St. John".) The other idea (and I don't know if this would happen) is that maybe they'll do something similar to the first half of series six where Amy was really The Flesh (not certain because I think they dissolved away when they died, and that didn't happen with Clara).
This is just speculation and the "TO BE CONTINUED" at the end made me hope that the storyline will continue into the next to in other ways than just the fact that the Doctor is angry with Ashildr and blames her for what happened to Clara.
First off, when he told Ashildr to avoid him, I was reminded of what he said to Missy ("I've got an idea..."). And we know what the Doctor does to anyone who DIDN'T kill his assistants (The Family of Blood, Death in Heaven).
So, some of the plot was a bit hard to follow, but Rigsy was called to the mysterious alley by an unknown number, which instantly put me in mind of Missy contacting Clara (off screen) back in the Matt Smith era. I don't think he SAID who called him, so maybe it was Missy. And then there was the mysterious "them" that was referred to, who wanted the Doctor's confession. And we know that Missy is the one who can open it, so she could be behind it - or maybe it will have something to do with the Time Lords, Davros or someone else even having kidnapped Missy to get her to open the Doctor's confession (it seems a bit weird, and I like the idea that Missy is masterminding some sort of evil plan better).
And then what about the TARDIS? The Doctor seems to be without it, having lost the key to it. And now it's become a memorial to Clara - I don't think Moffat would do anything as revolutionary as having a permanently TARDIS-less Doctor, right?
I'm looking forward to next week's one-hander episode, and probably the only Doctor Who episode ever of its type. I was imagining some sort of 45 minute monologue set in the TARDIS at first, but it looks like a lot more than that having seen the trailer (and knowing he doesn't have the TARDIS).
So yeah, hoping they can twist the Clara death storyline into something more upbeat, like the way they bought back Rory in Series 5, or how they killed Amy and Rory, but gave them both a life in New York. And also, they need some sort of resolution of the Orson Pink storyline. Could Clara somehow turn out to be pregnant?