The End of Medium

Nov 20, 2011 13:23

I just watched the final episode of Medium, and it was incredibly sad.

Thoughts on S7 of Medium behind the cut - with Spoilers.

I somehow missed the Sixth Season, and I didn’t think much of the way S7 started, with a body-switching episode that tried to do comedy too hard, and ultimately failed and became painful to watch, and the second episode wasn’t much better. There were some better ones later on; the two-parter involving Scanlon where it involved a Strangers on a Train type plot with two ghosts was really good, and the scene where Scanlon was a ghost was well acted - I thought he’d been killed off.

I also liked the one where Alison dreamed about a bomb going off at a specific time and, although it looked confusing, it was satisfying at the end. The plot with Joe’s mother dying was good, but I could have done without it being alongside a silly plot about people being pushed in front of trains. I enjoyed the penultimate episode, with its obvious similarities to Stephen King’s Misery, but the finale was definitely the best of the season, opening with Joe’s death and then flashing forward seven years.

For the first half of the episode, I assumed it was Alison’s dream, but when she started seeing visions of Joe alive, I started to think maybe it wasn’t. The moment when they saw each other again did look like a dream because it seemed so contrived, and I was really sad when they revealed that Joe really did die, but the ending - after Alison died - was very touching, and seemed a lot like the ending of Six Feet Under.

Overall, it seemed like an appropriate way to end the show.

dead, medium, offed, death, afterlife

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