First of all, this was an amazing season; my favourite was the one with Cuddy's dreams - that was pretty epic; particularly House dreaming his interns were zombies; Cuddy dreaming about Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, and than House doing some sort of Moulin Rouge-like song and dance act.
There were plenty of other good ones, though I wasn't so sure about Episode 7x13: Two Stories - the kids were somewhat annoying and acted way too mature for their age (it always gets to me when kids take the moral high ground and start talking down to adults, and I kind of want to tell them to STFU (they really should be seen and not heard) because adults always know best and kids know nothing - anyway, spoilers behind the cut:
I expected House and Cuddy's relationship to end at some point, so the end of Episode 7x15 came as no surprise for me. Episode 7x02, with House's anger at a patient's family because they would not let their son act as a donor for his sister, was intesnse, but very good and well-acted. House slowly going off the rails following his break-up with Cuddy was pretty awesome, with his appearing to attempt suicide in Episode 7x16 before you realised he was jumping into the swimming pool, and all his antics with the segue and monster truck in Episode 7x17.
Episode 7x22 was another one of the best ones, though the whole Taub/lapdancer story bored me as much as any of Taub's storylines; Thirteen got a really good plotline too, and it was really sad at the end, and the House storyline was shocking, when he cut into his leg, but also compelling. Thirteen's absence throughout the series was weird, and I actually did start missing her, so her road trip with House in Episode 7x18 was good fun - and the other highlight was House giving valium to Cuddy's mother (and Wilson!)
Episode 7x23 started off with a shocker, as Cuddy said that she wanted House arrested if he ever returned to Princetown Plainsboro, and I wondered what he'd done that was so bad; I started wondering if he had shot someone - maybe Taub, for example. I didn't really care much for that artist who wanted House to play guessing games over her diagnosis - let them treat you, what's wrong with you? However, the ending of the episode was truly shocking, when House got jealous over the other guy, and wrecked Cuddy's front room. I actually cracked up though, when he calmly got out of the car and handed Cuddy her hairbrush; strangely, it seemed quite cheerful compared to the endings of the previous three seasons (Amber's death, House's insanity and the whole story of the girl underneath the crane). So, House seems to have had a mid-life crisis, and gone off somewhere (possibly Mexico?), and it doesn't look like Cuddy and Wilson will speak to him again.
Episode 7x22 just about had the edge over the finale, in much the same way that Episode 1x21: Three Stories was a lot better than the first season finale (Three Stories is still my favourite episode ever).
I'm not entirely sure how they'll continue this, but I've read that there is a season 8 (which will be the final season), and while Taub got some sort of "ending", with his ex-wife saying she was pregnant, not a lot seemed to be going for Chase, Foreman or Thirteen. For some reason, I can picture House just roaming around on his own, coming across people in need of medical help and treating them using his usual bedside manner, and fashioning medical implements out of whatever he can find around him.
I found myself thinking of Millennium's Series Finale, "Goodbye to All That" where he ended up evidently not on speaking terms with his colleagues (mainly because Emma Hollis fired him as part of a deal she made with the Millennium Group), Frank Black jumped through Peter Watts' window with the intention of kiling him, and then took off with his daughter at the end.
I also watched the Bones Season 6 finale, and while I didn't care at all for the bowling storyline because of the really annoying whiny girl, and the long bowling montage that seemed more like filler because it did not extend the plot or do anything for the Brennan/Booth relationship, but every scene with Angela/Hodgkins was fantastic, as was the final scene; the episode was still outdone by the one immediately before it though.
Bones got pregnant from Booth! Probably because they slept together in Episode 6x22 (The Hole in the Heart).