Oh hay people, do you miss me? It's been a while since I'm posting some icons, so let's go straight to the business, as usual, I'm not particularity like this batch because mostly are experimental and there's no such thing called character bias (OMNEG HOW DARE YOU!!11!!), this is just... some result of browsing for too long in Nico Video.
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hahah I have all Gundam 00 episodes but I haven't watch them yet otl Nicovideo makes me want to watch them ASAP XDDD
lol, I'm going to watch today since I'm still considered free now XD Surprisingly there's no much assignments these few days! XD Is anything goin alright with you? I haven't really check my f-list in awhile D:
ahfkaledhf, why? Finished with the 3D assignment already? *clap clap*. Me? Umm, I'll start a part time job for this holiday season Monday, maybe that's all. And I went to Dufan, pas maen tornado mesinnya mati satu menit di atas, posisi 180 derajat dengan ketinggian 50 meter terdiam dan temen bikin histeris dengan teriak2 'GW GA AKAN BACA YAOIII LAGIII.. TUHAN BIARKAN AKU HIDUPPPP!!!"
gila ngeri bener mesin mati pas lagi kebalik gitu, operatornya lo apain maru sampe dia sengaja matiin mesinnya? lololol goodluck buat starbucksnya ya, coba gw di bandung, gw mampir de D: bujuk manajernya buat murahin harganya ye huehueheuheuehe XDD
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