The Friday Five: Listen to the Beat, Baby!

Sep 03, 2024 09:46

1. Do you believe that music can have a direct effect on your life?

Not sure - perhaps; certainly some of the songs I heard when I was a kid affected my musical tastes; a lot of Paul Simon.

2. What is your current favorite song?

It will always be Queen's Don't Stop Me Now

3. What's the one song from junior high that you can still rattle off all the words to?

No idea, really; I remember hearing Soundgarden's Black Hole Sun when I was a teenager in 1994 (MTV while on holiday) and I think I could give it a stab.

4. Did you have a prom song? Don't be embarrassed, we all did it.

Well, we don't have so much as a prom in the UK as a leaver's party (or my school did), and I don't remember any songs. I just remember hijinks with the other guys.

5. Do you and your significant other have a "song" that you share?

I don't have a girlfriend, so not applicable.

school, colours, songs, couples, party, holiday, music, memories, life, other people, relationships, stars, sharing is caring, travel, weekends, words, childhood memories, saturday night, the friday five, television, questions, queen

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