Doctor Who series 14 is here - so I've watched one episode; saving episode two for another time.
[Your favourite monster is fine SPOILER] First off, that bit at the start with the dinosaurs and Ray Bradbury style butterfly bit can't have been a throwaway moment, right? That weird transformation that happened to Ruby should be some sort of foreshadowing - Russell T Davies doesn't put in things for no reason, I refuse to believe that. Just like the whole "Mavity" bit must have had a wider purpose.
So, I am going to assume that some point a parallel universe will be introduced where Ruby ended up as this creepy alter ego; it feels like something that needs to happen. In fact, I read a rumour that the whole "mavity" scene created a parallel universe.
As for the main plot, I immediately thought of this character.
That whole Aliens - inspired finale was impressive, with the Doctor deciding to save the monster.
As for the final bits; the first bit involving Ruby's mother (might have been the reason for the butterfly) was for a recall to "Father's Day". As for that image on the screen, I wasn't sure what all that means - looked like William Hartnell's Doctor. I hope it gets explained soon.