Okay, so I know it's not really about this man, but I couldn't resist it.
I'll be doing a zoom call with people from church for Burns Night this year, I've never got a chance to do anything proper, and worse still, turned down the opportunity last year.
I forgot to get the haggis in, so the closest I can get to Scotland is Cumberland Pie (ready meal) - I'll add some of my Scotch BBQ sauce, though it may taste weird.
I had some good news - a positive response from my invite to the prayer group, so now we just need to do a skype social, and hope that we all gel.
My final CityWell challenge is to help someone with a project or task; it's daunting, as I don't find is easy offering with people outside of family, so I could fail if no one asks me to do anything. I have offered my services though; kind of like
bob-a-job week from my parents' childhoods (edit: turns out they've now bought it back, amazing - a shame it's just the Scouts doing it; DIB DIB DIB DOB DOB DOB).
Mum and I had a short walk this lunchtime; it was quite icy and slippery underfoot, so we had to be careful. It seems that we had more snow last night.
We explored this route that I'd not known about before, until I saw it on a map - it was a quaint spot, and we noticed one of the houses was giving away unwanted food occasionally, so I'll keep passing by.
I've reached 98km out of 100km in my Strava Challenge - I can do this!
I've also got up to 48km on Virtual Icknield Way, just entering Pirton. Still a long way behind the more serious walkers, though.
I had a phone call last night, from someone who said they would give me a call "some time"; these out-of-the blue calls are always difficult; I called back, got voicemail, and left a message - they've not called back. Maybe me saying I'd be watching football 5 to 7 put them off returning the call?
The ball's in their court.