Active April: Ayy, and I Woke Up in Morning

Apr 22, 2024 18:37

Yeah, so last night I'd wanted to blog about the Marathon, but as I might have mentioned before, sometimes I suffer from depressive, almost self-destructive moments, always triggered by little things involving strangers that completely throw me. I think I might have just been hangry last night after sharing beers with colleagues, post-marathon.

I'd really been having a good time, but being in a high mood for me can gradually turn into a low if things get to me and I don't have any calming influence.

So, some of my best Marathon candid shots.

After waking up in the night a few times and just remembering what a bad mood I'd been in for all of about ten minutes, I didn't feel great. Tried to get out of the funk by some bad dancing this morning to The Doors' "Roadhouse Blues" on Spotify.

image Click to view

I had to postpone one meeting at work today, but did do some learning of a new work procedure I volunteered for, over Teams, and I only hope that I retained everything, or at least I will get it all in writing; there was so much to take in.

On Strava, I have completed Bulldog Skincare's Feel Good Challenge, and
* I've started a new collective challenge: Earth Week: Commute to Curb Carbon - this has been organised by Strava Metro, and by tagging an activity as your commute, it shows how much carbon you saved by not getting in the car. At the moment, everyone taking part has saved 23,839kg out of a target of 500k - not that it matters much, but Strava still hasn't published my walk from work to the station;
* I've climbed 1,205m for the April Running Elevation Challenge;
* I've logged 40km for Sports Direct Mara Month; and
* I've logged 22m out of 3 hours and 20 minutes for the HelloFresh Move 200 Challenge.

morning, work, colours, skyping, streak, environment, songs, pictures, earth week, bulldog, spotify, food, learning, other people, bad habit, strava metro, my bad, emotions, apps, world, spring, home, health, climbing challenge, outdoors, hellofresh, video, carbon, volunteering, nature, metro, chimp, livejournal, connect monday, travel, weekends, marathon, run, routines, strava, cars, action for happiness, active april, sports direct, beer

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