I'm going to start with a couple of positive messages about January 21st; we all need a bit of positivety right now, and I saw both on social media.
I had a walk at lunchtime, but heard a loud commotion in the distance. Now, when I hear a lot of noise, my imagination runs wild as to what might be going down somewhere. All I could hear was wild hooting of car horns, and this is what I thought.
The Biden inauguration was yesterday.
Trump's supporters seem to be largely extreme right-wingers who want to cause trouble.
Maybe they've (for whatever reason) come to my hometown to do one of their rallies, and generally be disruptive.
As I got to a junction, I saw three cars coming down the road, and I quickly noticed they were funeral cars, with Irish flags on them. I saw there was a stream of traffic behind them too, and figured out this was the cause of all the earlier disturbance.
My first thought was that this was just all the people who had been held up by three funeral cars, and they were just inconsiderate - there was some dodgy driving, cars trying to overtake each other, even though it would have been a ridiculous manoevre.
It turns out that all of the cars behind were part of a huge funeral. I didn't really see how many people were in the cars, and I have no idea if when they reached the funeral itself they mixed or anything, but people in town were up in arms about it, making some dodgy comments about them on social media.
I don't quite know the reason why people would create a loud racket as part of a funeral procession, as I've been used to these being quite sombre affairs, although it probably related to tradition, or the deceased's final wishes.
I did get a few pictures on my walk too.
I haven't walked along this way for a while; it's not the best place for social distancing.
This makes me sad - this is a nice building, but I think it's going to be torn down.
I don't usually look over the bridge here - I never noticed that weir there before.
January Walking Challenge: 78km.
Virtual Icknield Way Challenge: 28km, placing me between Toddington and the Sharpenhoe Clappers.
After sending a message about our prayer square this morning, one of the guys messaged me just now; we're still likely to lose one, or even two members (it's all very unclear); he wants to have a call at the weekend, to discuss the future - I hope he wants to keep the group going; he sounds like he wants to, and if we have to recruit someone else, I can think of two guys already, I just hope the call goes okay, and the group doesn't die a death - we're already having trouble committing to the book we are reading.