The Friday Five: Ain't No Superstition

Oct 14, 2023 19:02

1. Are you superstitious?

Kind of - there are random things I won't do or even say in case I jinx something.

2. Which superstitions do you believe in and act on?

I definitely have a believe in tempting fate, so I try not to say something like "thank goodness this hasn't happened", just in case it causes the bad thing to happen.

3. What superstition does someone close to you believe in and act on?

I'm not sure if anyone else I know has any superstitions really.

4. Do you take any extra precautions on Friday the 13th?

I'm more likely to work from home on this day if I can; that's about the only thing really.

5. Do you secretly judge superstitious people?

Not at all; I figure we all have to have our own little quirks and superstitions.

friday 13, work, mindfulness, fear, worry, superstition, home, the friday five, luck, other people, life

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