The Friday Five: The Best and Worst

Jul 28, 2023 18:08

From thefridayfive

1. When did you recently have the feeling, "Life is good."

I'm not sure, maybe Summer solstice, after I'd got past a few mental setbacks; it ended up being a nice evening.

2. Which do you need more, routine or spontaneity?

Since I hate things being spontaneous and last minute, I'd have to say routine, I love to plan things in advance.

3. Do you have a difficult or annoying neighbor?

I used to have a neighbour who seemed really meek and quiet, but was always arguing with his wife (and shouting "goodbye" loudly to her at six in the morning).

He moved away years ago, so none really, apart from others who moved away who didn't seem that outgoing or friendly.

Other than that, there's an odd guy who never introduced himself by name, even when I did so myself.

4. What do you want to change about yourself?

I'd love to be more confident with some situations; I have my occasional introverted mood where I just worry about other people.

5. What do you like best about where you live?

Not sure really; I like that we have a nice open space right near my flat where I can go out on short walks.

favourites, morning, couples, hometown, memories, life, other people, spontanaeity, relationships, bad habit, walk, mindfulness, after work, solstice, fear, worry, emotions, pet peeve, summer, seasons, neighbours, home, the friday five, routines

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