I was back working today; I was trying to break up my day and not work solidly, helping to alleviate some of the boredom.
I'm bummed that some of the survey work that keeps me busy won't be possible with the lockdown, and on the plus side, if it goes ahead, it will probably be during the summer.
I'm doing the "Citywell Challenge" this month, whereby every week I have to focus on one aspect of retaining my own mental health; this week's was to visit a local park, and because we have a nice open space conveniently near my flat, I walked through there on my way back from buying a newspaper, and snacks for the weekend; I wish I'd not bothered with the paper, because it was all doom and gloom on the front cover, commenting on how Boris' lockdown is "too late" again.
I did manage to get a selfie of myself out in our local green space as proof that I had done this part of the challenge.
I have my first church Bible study evening tonight; it should go okay, I'm just concerned because I found out a friend of mine has Coronavirus.