Active April: Hearty

Apr 04, 2023 22:50

A couple of pictures from last night.

I wish I could say I had a good time, but I ended up missing taekwon-do, and all because I failed to see an e-mail advising that it was on earlier; so I found everyone coming out of class at the end. To get one of my workouts for the Strava Indoor Fitness Challenge, I did some yoga before bed.

I've been making sure I eat mindfully today, trying to nourish myself (but I have been eating snacks occasionally, to save me from getting hangry).

So, this was breakfast.

I found out that the train I usually aim for was once again cancelled, so I left very quickly, without time to have my usual toast first; I felt hungry on the train, and popped into Starbucks. There was a slight misunderstanding with the drink; they called out a name, roughly similar to mine, and when no one claimed it I thought that maybe they'd just got my name and order wrong, only to be told "that's not yours, this is yours".

It was worth the wait, and staved off the hunger.

I got sandwiches at the Aldersgate talks (not pictured), and this rhubarb drink, which intrigued me (very nice). My only disappointment was that the colleague I invited didn't make it.

I was at the Stag Walkers' committee tonight, so we got food beforehand in a pub; it was beer and burger night.

We did have a couple at the bar asking us during our break what we were discussing; it seemed that "rambling", to talk about walking wasn't in their vocabulary. It took two of us to explain what we were there for.

On Strava, I have:
*Completed the April Walking Distance Challenge;
*Logged 2 of 3 twenty-minute walks for week 1 of Dr. Alex's stop;
*Logged 1 of 3 15-minute workouts for week 1 of the April Indoor Fitness Challenge; and
*Contributed to a group effort of nearly 15.8 million miles for Around the World in 30 Days.

spring strolls, 5 ways to wellbeing, morning, work, dr alex george, couples, i dont believe it, mental health, pictures, food, aldersgate talks, other people, pubs, stars, walk, after work, my bad, lent, apps, seasons, words, spring, home, health, happiness, restaurant, trees, outdoors, stag walkers, fitness, gadgets, spring time photos, yoga, volunteering, nature, 20 minutes a day, e-mail, around the world in 30 days, trains, hot beverage, success, travel, taekwon-do, disappointment, routines, indoor workout challenge, cars, walking challenge, strava, active tuesday, action for happiness, plant, active april, beer

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