Active April: Brainweasels and Goblins

Apr 26, 2022 17:27

I tried having a mid-morning walk; I did get a nice picture of the blossom (almost got a blackbird with a worm in its mouth too), but a minor mishap set my chimp off for the first time in a while.

As I've mentioned before, when my chimp comes out, I just lose all self control for up to about half an hour, and I just have to get into the flat to stop myself making a scene in public; then I just want to hide in my flat afterwards.

I was barely present on the Release Your Potential Call; it was a mixture of frustration and feelings of deep shame.

I feel calmer now; there's just the embarassment of having over-reacted earlier to something trivial.

On Strava, I have logged:
* 95km for the MAAP Transcend Limits Challenge;
* Two out for four days for the April Indoor Workout Challenge; and
* 3 hours and 4 minutes for the ROKA N+1 Challenge.

5 ways to wellbeing, maap, morning, skyping, pictures, hometown, other people, bad habit, walk, my bad, emotions, apps, seasons, home, spring, happiness, trees, outdoors, stag walkers, fitness, spring time photos, roka, nature, animals, chimp, release your potential, flowers, strava, action for happiness, active tuesday, active april, plant

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