Happier January: Even a Short Interaction is Better than None at All

Jan 12, 2022 17:16

I bumped into one of the owners of an adjacent flat while taking a quick break outside this lunchtime; I saw her husband coming down the stairs yesterday, and I noticed that they both had the same handyman with them. It looks like one of their tenants has moved out - I saw the guy last week, but had only time for a brief hello, as he was mid conversation with someone. He was probably in the process of moving out.

I'm suddenly realising that even a quick hello with someone I recognise is better than no interaction at all, particularly on a day when my only conversation so far has been with my manager, who was reminding me that Boris hasn't lifted the work from home requirements yet, though I hope this changes really soon.

I've been trying to take plenty of breaks today, and had a few short walks; I managed a 45 minute walk this morning, and noticed this gorgeous sunrise.

I have managed to complete week 2 of the "Joy of Winter" challenge on Strava.

I'm also trying to get over one disappointment yesterday; I was looking forward to going on a ghost walk next week with the Stag Walkers, until it dawned on me that I had neglected to buy tickets, because I either thought someone else was sorting them out, or that they would somehow buy themselves. I found out yesterday that they sold out, which was quite a bummer. Edit - turns out someone did get me a ticket after all, so all fine.

I'm still stuck on last week's photo_scavenger prompt, "fractions", and now I have a new one to try: "complete". I have a few ideas, but I'll have to see if I can spot anything good while I'm out on my walks.

5 ways to wellbeing, winter walk, morning, work, boris, skyping, couples, joy, pictures, winter, hometown, walk, mindfulness, after work, my bad, apps, seasons, home, happiness, trees, outdoors, stag walkers, nature, notice wednesday, disappointment, neighbours, current events, coronavirus, strava, action for happiness, photo scavenger, plant, happier january

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