thefridayfive is about my favourite subject.
1) Have you read more books, or fewer books, this past year than usual?
Amazingly, about the same - I tend to have reading sessions of the same length as if I were on the train.
2) What book are you reading now (or what book did you read most recently)?
Hamnet by Maggie O'Farrell is my current book. It's a fictionalised story about Shakespeare's family.
3) What is the best book you read in the past few years?
Favourite that I've read for the first time: Hard to choose - maybe Sum, which is several different versions of the Afterlife - very weird, and abstract.
4) Do you read more than one book at a time, or just one?
I used to read three at a time; often I have one or two on the go, but one is a book that I started reading with my prayer group, until we let standard slip and everyone stopped discussing the latest chapter - I'm trying to finish it on my own.
5) How big is your to-be-read pile (or list)?
On LJ, very short - but there are a lot of books I've not added; I'm quite anal about reading books in a particular order, so I have a whole bunch on my kindle/bookshelf that I intend to read, but I've not decided when, hence it's quite a long (mental) list.