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Jan 15, 2008 01:14

In 2m 37s

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wonder what it would have been if I hadn't kept fat-fingering the keyboard!

I started back to work on Saturday. After 3.5 months on leave, it was kind of hard to go back - especially because Nissa started bawling when I was getting ready to leave. =/ But then I got to work and just plain wanted to walk back out. Place went to hell in a handbasket while I was gone. Even just thinking about it now I want to go bang my head on the wall.

A mom came in on Saturday with her two children. Her youngest was bundled up in an infant carrier, so I didn't get a real good look, but I had already judged her son to be about Nissa's age or maybe a little older. And it was one of the times that I was reminded of just how advanced Nissa's language skills are. This little boy, all he did was grunt. I didn't hear him say one actual word the whole time he screeched at his mom. Then there's my Nissa who already amazed me with her ability to pick up words, but in comparison to this little boy she's light years ahead. Granted, some of her words aren't easily recognizable to anyone who isn't around her a lot. I mean, if someone walked up to you and said, "oppussis," you'd probably think it was something x-rated or something. But around my house that's Nissa-ese for "octopus." And triangle is pronounced "triangidul." And words that start with "s"... well, they don't start with it for Nissa. Smart is "mart." Sleeves are "leebs." Smile is "myall." But, she does good with "spoon" and "sister." And she can count to fourteen, but after about four you really need to be paying attention to follow along. "One two fee four fibe sees sebben eight nine ten elemon twilve hertee ortee YAY!!!" (There are fourteen stairs up to her bedroom and I made sure to count them at least once a day as I carried her up from the time she was about three months old until now, so she's heard that number sequence repeatedly. And, hence why she stops at fourteen.) And I found out today that she is beginning to recognize numbers. We have a folder from H & R Block that has "2007" in very large font across the front. Nissa got it off the table, looked at it and said "two zewo zewo sebben." I didn't even know she'd ever heard the word zero! It's a good thing I didn't have Abbey in my arms at that moment, because she would have joined my chin as it hit the floor! She just... astounds me sometimes. And Chris and I have to get a video of her some night when the Wild are on. She gets so excited when hockey is on... though she thinks every sport is hockey. If I'm flipping through the channels and they're showing a basketball game she's like, "Hockey?" Hehe. But she loves yelling, "Go While!" and "YAY!!!" whenever they score. (Well, whenever the crowd cheers.) But, crap, she won't even technically be two years old until next week!!

Anyways, I suppose I have gushed about my eldest long enough. And I really need to get to bed. But, just so that no one can accuse me of playing favorites, Abbey's become much more vocal lately. Cooing and shrieking (not an annoying shriek, just a noise that she makes when she's excited.) And the smile is flashed pretty readily now, especially after the first bottle in the morning. And she's got dimples! Two in her left cheek and one on the right. It's very rare that she smiles big enough for all three of them to make an appearance, but one of the ones on the left cheek is there with even the slightest smirk. =) There's just a lot more to say about Nissa right now because she's actually mobile and talkative and just... a little person. Abbey's still at that stage where she's super cute and all, but there's just not much more to say about her than that, you know? She's healthy. She eats good. She gets pretty cranky in the evenings from about 7:00 - 11:00. She's gaining weight and progressing within normal guidelines. And she sleeps through the night like a gem. She goes to sleep about 11:30 and regularly sleeps until 7:00 am. And that pretty much sums it up. But Nissa? I could go on and on about her and the funny things she does. And the really aggravating, too.

But, yeah, need sleep. My eyes are beginning to cross.

nissa, work, abbey

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