*there's no scotch tape*

Feb 04, 2008 11:17

The  time has come, Dear LJ friends, for me to start LJ #3. 
As this is my good bye/ hello entry, I will paste it into both.

You may be wondering why I am starting yet another live journal. Well, to be honest, I just feel like I am an entirely different person that I was when this journal started. I am in a very different part of my life. So just like I changed livejournals when my life transitioned a few years ago, I am doing so now. The new one is: noscotchtape. Add it. Love me.

I will miss my gavemeapen LJ. It has some good memories for me. But to be honest, it also has a looot of bad ones. And I am ready for a fresh journal-y start. I am ready for new things. I am ready to let myself be content and happy. I am making new friends. I am learning who I am and who I want to become. I am growing up. So jump on the bandwagon and be my LJ #3 friend. Please?
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