come on life

Jan 08, 2008 05:06

 Hello again. I am trying very hard to keep myself positive, and I think I am getting better at it. I've been listening to lots of music, had a couple crazy nights, and talked to lots of people in the wee hours of the morning while the rest of the world sleeps. School will start soon. My schedule is intense, but I really want to prove myself this semester. I am still in search of a job. I want to get one that is preferably going to give me hours. If any of you know anything, PLEASE send me that way. I am getting very nervous about this.

Beyond this, I am trying to get better about realizing that I can not put life on hold. I spent too much of a last year, standing still, because I did not know what I was working towards. I am still not really sure of anything... but I am sure that I can't let life pass me by while I try to find out.

Today I got caught in the storm and blew a tire. I was pretty terrified, because I was pretty much driving blind at one point (I had no choice, I was blind just trying to get off the road.) And then I had to wait an hour for help. But other than a phone call with my mother, I actually took it pretty well. I mean, well, no I didn't. I was a wreck. But I mean I did not get all depressed about it, and I think that is a good sign.
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