[01] give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. dear, because it sounds good. [02] am i lovable? of course. [03] how long have you known me? good question, around 8 months? [04] when and how did we first meet? one time you introduced yourself to me, but I was looking for someone, so I didn't talk to you, but I went and hung out with you at a show at the court one day. [05] what was your first impression? you were very funny & nice [06] do you still think that way about me now? of course. [07] what do you think my weakness is? you love to easily ? [08] do you think that i'll get married? I hope so. [09] what makes me happy? me & Amber! [10] what makes me sad? when your friends leave you out. [11] what reminds you of me? dancing at shows, when someone smells like you, I get really happy hoping your there ... but you never are. [12] if you could give me anything, what would it be? a hug! [13] how well do you know me? not as well as I should. [14] when's the last time you saw me? when Amber was here I think. [15] ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? not really. [16] do you think i could kill someone? maybe. [17] describe me in one word. beautiful [18] do you think our friendship is getting stronger/ weaker/or staying the same? staying the same. [19] do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen? probably. [20] are you going to put this on your LiveJournal and see what i say about you? no, usually nobody fills it out.
Today I talked to Tony on the phone and we mentioned you and I really do miss you and when I say it I REALLY mean it. I want to spend the night with you. I'm sorry about last time, that was really rude of me but I hated the kids around me except for you, Amber and Eric. When you went to the Court, you made me feel so good. Remember when I wrote things on the mirror to you? :] werd I'm so romantic. hahah
[02] am i lovable? of course.
[03] how long have you known me? good question, around 8 months?
[04] when and how did we first meet? one time you introduced yourself to me, but I was looking for someone, so I didn't talk to you, but I went and hung out with you at a show at the court one day.
[05] what was your first impression? you were very funny & nice
[06] do you still think that way about me now? of course.
[07] what do you think my weakness is? you love to easily ?
[08] do you think that i'll get married? I hope so.
[09] what makes me happy? me & Amber!
[10] what makes me sad? when your friends leave you out.
[11] what reminds you of me? dancing at shows, when someone smells like you, I get really happy hoping your there ... but you never are.
[12] if you could give me anything, what would it be? a hug!
[13] how well do you know me? not as well as I should.
[14] when's the last time you saw me? when Amber was here I think.
[15] ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? not really.
[16] do you think i could kill someone? maybe.
[17] describe me in one word. beautiful
[18] do you think our friendship is getting stronger/
weaker/or staying the same? staying the same.
[19] do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen? probably.
[20] are you going to put this on your LiveJournal and see what i say about you? no, usually nobody fills it out.
Today I talked to Tony on the phone and we mentioned you and I really do miss you and when I say it I REALLY mean it. I want to spend the night with you. I'm sorry about last time, that was really rude of me but I hated the kids around me except for you, Amber and Eric. When you went to the Court, you made me feel so good. Remember when I wrote things on the mirror to you? :]
I'm so romantic. hahah
Unless you spell jesus like c-o-u-r-t
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