(no subject)

Sep 02, 2008 11:40

Aside from debris in the street (which, let's face it, we're pretty used to) things in my immediate vicinity are in good shape. Worked this morning with some friends to take down the plywood here and then went to help them at their places.

Last night Le and Lo stopped in at Johnny White's, raising (if not emptying) a glass alongside neighbors who had stayed and voicing their relief that the city was not damaged in any major way. They didn't stay long, and I'm sure I'll hear Lo.'s annoyance at curfews and such things this evening.

JC also stopped in after his shift, though he didn't quite catch up with some of the more abysmally inebriated (no, I wasn't one of them, though I did have a pretty good buzz on) since some of them had been partying down since Friday.

It looks like the city got away with some relatively minor flooding and a good deal of wind damage. Compared to K. it seems like very little. The lights are out in most places but will probably be up and running soon enough-wi-fi works and I've got the generator running here at the house.

Took a walk after the plywood parties and it's just so wierd to see Decatur St. deserted. There are people around, but no one's driving anywhere, probably to keep under the radar of the law; neither the NOPD or the National Guard are playing around--you'll get your ass handed to you if you try anything funny.

That's it. Just waiting for everyone else to come on home again.


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