Let''s look at John McCain on the war. This, along with the fact that he'll be the first one to tell you he doesn't really know economics all that well, plus the fact that he was one of the Keating Five, makes me wonder why anyone thinks this man would be any better, or any different, than the bunch of monkeys we've got in there now. I keep hearing that he was "trying not to make waves" and was "doing what was good for the party". Maybe the "maverick" reputation comes from his well-documented habit of losing his temper with people at the drop of a hat.
But more likely, this business about how he doesn't really mean it was a PR stunt. My belief, however, is that the best predictor of future behavior, in most cases, is past behavior. My SUSPISCION, in McCain's case, is that we're looking at another Reagan wannabe. That's scary.
Interested parties may wish to refer to this as well.