(( Ohh, another Gauze's birthday passed uneventfully~ I've been playing him for 3 years as of January 20th ;o; I love him dearly. Though in characterland, I moved his birthday to February 20th so he could be a pisces, because he just IS A PISCES.
Since I don't update gauzey anymore ever, this is my status:
playing RO: YES. I still play RO. not much lately since I got my new job, I'm tired all the time and trying to adjust to a new schedule, but I still play even if it's just vending half the time. plus, if you don't see me anymore, it's 'cause I moved out of Dramacentral (and will try to avoid New Dramacentral o_O damn) and have never been happier. I will return only when I need to be surrounded by bonguns *-*
drawing RO: lol will I ever stop doing this? once again, been too tired to draw much lately, but I never really stop drawing Gauze and Vinyl. <3 (otp otp!) actually the only new art I have is scraps, and really gay:
http://www.deviantart.com/view/14462393/ OH TULIP HAIRPIN <3
RPing RO: well I don't have much control over this, so as much as I'd love to be doing it, I can't do it alone. ;.; I dream one day it'll start up again, in the mean time I might post some more stories from the past, 'cause that I CAN do by myself.
just posting to say i'm not dead >:O (at least, I don't want to be) ))